
تحديد المستوى

اختر نوع الاختبار الخاص بك

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اختبار عام في اللغة الانكليزية

  1. For the questions below, please choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation.

1 / 18

The shop didn’t have the shoes I wanted, but they’ve …… a pair specially for me.

2 / 18

The singer ended the concert …… her most popular song.

3 / 18

 I’d like two tickets for tomorrow night!

4 / 18

………tired Melissa is when she gets home from work, she always makes time to say goodnight to the children.

5 / 18

Have you got time to discuss your work now or are you …… to leave?

6 / 18

Don’t put your cup on the …… of the table – someone will knock it off.

7 / 18

 I can’t understand this email!

8 / 18

I was looking forward …… at the new restaurant, but it was closed.

9 / 18

I’m sorry – I didn’t …… to disturb you.

10 / 18

It wasn’t a bad crash and …… damage was done to my car.

11 / 18

Would you mind …… these plates a wipe before putting them in the cupboard?

12 / 18

It ___ when they went out.

13 / 18

Once the plane is in the air, you can …… your seat belts if you wish.

14 / 18


15 / 18

The company needs to decide …… and for all what its position is on this point.

16 / 18

 What color will you paint the children’s bedroom?

17 / 18

She came to live here …… a month ago.

18 / 18

His eyes were …… bad that he couldn’t read the number plate of the car in front.

Your score is

The average score is 55%


Please rate this quiz


General English (Grammar/Vocabulary)

1 / 50

1. It ___ when they went out.

2 / 50

2.Did you ___ TV last night?

3 / 50

3. That’s the hotel ___ we had lunch.

4 / 50

4. Diana ___ some juice when she went to France.

5 / 50

5. I don’t get ___ very well with my brother.

6 / 50

6. Tom always ___ golf on Sundays.

7 / 50

7. Mary ___ a key when she was cleaning her car.

8 / 50

8. ___ I worked hard, I didn’t pass the test.

9 / 50

9. My parents ___ to stay with us next week.

10 / 50

10. Come on! It’s time ___.

11 / 50

11. Can you look ___ my dog this weekend?

12 / 50

12. Who ___ the answer to this question?

13 / 50

13. My father ___ be a builder.

14 / 50

14. I haven’t tidied my office ___.

15 / 50

15. I can sing, but not as ___ as my sister.

16 / 50

16. I’m 18 and my brother is 20, so he’s
…….. me!

17 / 50

17- Tomorrow’s a holiday, so we …….. go to

18 / 50

18-  My friend Khaled…….. to Russia last year.

19 / 50

19- If I …….. well in my exams, I …….. to university

20 / 50

20- Where did you go …….. holiday last

21 / 50

21-  There …….. milk in the fridge.

22 / 50

22- I can’t hear you – it’s …….. noisy in here.

23 / 50

23- Photographers and designers need to be

24 / 50

24- “Are you ready to order?”
“Not yet – I’m still looking at the …….. .”

25 / 50

25- “My job is never boring.”
It’s is always—-

26 / 50

26- I’ve been working here …….. about the
last two years

27 / 50

27- “I’ve got a headache.”
“Maybe you …….. to take an aspirin.”

28 / 50

28- Cassie went to bed early because she was —-

29 / 50

29- Do you want …….. the match tonight?

30 / 50

30- When I was a child, I never …….. about
the future.

31 / 50

31- In the 1960s, computers were ……..
expensive that ordinary people couldn’t
afford them.

32 / 50

32- This is …….. area, with a lot of factories

33 / 50

33- She was so upset that she burst …….. tears!

34 / 50

34- Why are you always rude—me?

35 / 50

35- I can’t …….. your hair, because I haven’t
got any scissors.

36 / 50

36- Criminals are people who are guilty of
…….. the law.

37 / 50

37- Mark was angry—-his sister because she damaged his toy!

38 / 50

38- I went to a lovely …….. last Saturday.
The bride was my best friend when we
were at school.

39 / 50

39- The man—–by his best friend yesterday.

40 / 50

40- She——before she went out!

41 / 50

41- Jemma spent the whole day looking—her keys!

42 / 50

42- Can you come and pick me— from the airport?

43 / 50

43- You should take—–your shoes before you enter!

44 / 50

44- My wife is going to look—- my baby while I am gone!

45 / 50

45- Have a seat and fill— the form!

46 / 50

46- I don’t usually get—well with my parents!

47 / 50

47- I’m not really interested— politics!

48 / 50

48- A person who does not want to spend money is—-

49 / 50

49- We are arriving—-Doha Airport at 14:00!

50 / 50

50- “It leaves from Platform 2 at 4.15.”
The speaker is talking about …….. .


General English (Grammar/Vocabulary)

1 / 50

1. It ___ when they went out.

2 / 50

2.Did you ___ TV last night?

3 / 50

3. That’s the hotel ___ we had lunch.

4 / 50

4. Diana ___ some juice when she went to France.

5 / 50

5. I don’t get ___ very well with my brother.

6 / 50

6. Tom always ___ golf on Sundays.

7 / 50

7. Mary ___ a key when she was cleaning her car.

8 / 50

8. ___ I worked hard, I didn’t pass the test.

9 / 50

9. My parents ___ to stay with us next week.

10 / 50

10. Come on! It’s time ___.

11 / 50

11. Can you look ___ my dog this weekend?

12 / 50

12. Who ___ the answer to this question?

13 / 50

13. My father ___ be a builder.

14 / 50

14. I haven’t tidied my office ___.

15 / 50

15. I can sing, but not as ___ as my sister.

16 / 50

16. I’m 18 and my brother is 20, so he’s
…….. me!

17 / 50

17- Tomorrow’s a holiday, so we …….. go to

18 / 50

18-  My friend Khaled…….. to Russia last year.

19 / 50

19- If I …….. well in my exams, I …….. to university

20 / 50

20- Where did you go …….. holiday last

21 / 50

21-  There …….. milk in the fridge.

22 / 50

22- I can’t hear you – it’s …….. noisy in here.

23 / 50

23- Photographers and designers need to be

24 / 50

24- “Are you ready to order?”
“Not yet – I’m still looking at the …….. .”

25 / 50

25- “My job is never boring.”
It’s is always—-

26 / 50

26- I’ve been working here …….. about the
last two years

27 / 50

27- “I’ve got a headache.”
“Maybe you …….. to take an aspirin.”

28 / 50

28- Cassie went to bed early because she was —-

29 / 50

29- Do you want …….. the match tonight?

30 / 50

30- When I was a child, I never …….. about
the future.

31 / 50

31- In the 1960s, computers were ……..
expensive that ordinary people couldn’t
afford them.

32 / 50

32- This is …….. area, with a lot of factories

33 / 50

33- She was so upset that she burst …….. tears!

34 / 50

34- Why are you always rude—me?

35 / 50

35- I can’t …….. your hair, because I haven’t
got any scissors.

36 / 50

36- Criminals are people who are guilty of
…….. the law.

37 / 50

37- Mark was angry—-his sister because she damaged his toy!

38 / 50

38- I went to a lovely …….. last Saturday.
The bride was my best friend when we
were at school.

39 / 50

39- The man—–by his best friend yesterday.

40 / 50

40- She——before she went out!

41 / 50

41- Jemma spent the whole day looking—her keys!

42 / 50

42- Can you come and pick me— from the airport?

43 / 50

43- You should take—–your shoes before you enter!

44 / 50

44- My wife is going to look—- my baby while I am gone!

45 / 50

45- Have a seat and fill— the form!

46 / 50

46- I don’t usually get—well with my parents!

47 / 50

47- I’m not really interested— politics!

48 / 50

48- A person who does not want to spend money is—-

49 / 50

49- We are arriving—-Doha Airport at 14:00!

50 / 50

50- “It leaves from Platform 2 at 4.15.”
The speaker is talking about …….. .

Created on

اختبار عام في اللغة الانكليزية

  1. For the questions below, please choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation.

1 / 18

………tired Melissa is when she gets home from work, she always makes time to say goodnight to the children.

2 / 18


3 / 18

His eyes were …… bad that he couldn’t read the number plate of the car in front.

4 / 18

Once the plane is in the air, you can …… your seat belts if you wish.

5 / 18

 I’d like two tickets for tomorrow night!

6 / 18

 I can’t understand this email!

7 / 18

The company needs to decide …… and for all what its position is on this point.

8 / 18

Don’t put your cup on the …… of the table – someone will knock it off.

9 / 18

 What color will you paint the children’s bedroom?

10 / 18

Have you got time to discuss your work now or are you …… to leave?

11 / 18

It ___ when they went out.

12 / 18

She came to live here …… a month ago.

13 / 18

The shop didn’t have the shoes I wanted, but they’ve …… a pair specially for me.

14 / 18

The singer ended the concert …… her most popular song.

15 / 18

It wasn’t a bad crash and …… damage was done to my car.

16 / 18

Would you mind …… these plates a wipe before putting them in the cupboard?

17 / 18

I was looking forward …… at the new restaurant, but it was closed.

18 / 18

I’m sorry – I didn’t …… to disturb you.

Your score is

The average score is 55%


Please rate this quiz


Copy – General English Placement Test

1 / 6

4. Diana ___ some juice when she went to France.

2 / 6

5. I don’t get ___ very well with my brother.

3 / 6

11. Can you look ___ my dog this weekend?

4 / 6

12. Who ___ the answer to this question?

5 / 6

13. My father ___ be a builder.

6 / 6

14. I haven’t tidied my office ___.


General English (Grammar/Vocabulary)

1 / 50

1. It ___ when they went out.

2 / 50

2.Did you ___ TV last night?

3 / 50

3. That’s the hotel ___ we had lunch.

4 / 50

4. Diana ___ some juice when she went to France.

5 / 50

5. I don’t get ___ very well with my brother.

6 / 50

6. Tom always ___ golf on Sundays.

7 / 50

7. Mary ___ a key when she was cleaning her car.

8 / 50

8. ___ I worked hard, I didn’t pass the test.

9 / 50

9. My parents ___ to stay with us next week.

10 / 50

10. Come on! It’s time ___.

11 / 50

11. Can you look ___ my dog this weekend?

12 / 50

12. Who ___ the answer to this question?

13 / 50

13. My father ___ be a builder.

14 / 50

14. I haven’t tidied my office ___.

15 / 50

15. I can sing, but not as ___ as my sister.

16 / 50

16. I’m 18 and my brother is 20, so he’s
…….. me!

17 / 50

17- Tomorrow’s a holiday, so we …….. go to

18 / 50

18-  My friend Khaled…….. to Russia last year.

19 / 50

19- If I …….. well in my exams, I …….. to university

20 / 50

20- Where did you go …….. holiday last

21 / 50

21-  There …….. milk in the fridge.

22 / 50

22- I can’t hear you – it’s …….. noisy in here.

23 / 50

23- Photographers and designers need to be

24 / 50

24- “Are you ready to order?”
“Not yet – I’m still looking at the …….. .”

25 / 50

25- “My job is never boring.”
It’s is always—-

26 / 50

26- I’ve been working here …….. about the
last two years

27 / 50

27- “I’ve got a headache.”
“Maybe you …….. to take an aspirin.”

28 / 50

28- Cassie went to bed early because she was —-

29 / 50

29- Do you want …….. the match tonight?

30 / 50

30- When I was a child, I never …….. about
the future.

31 / 50

31- In the 1960s, computers were ……..
expensive that ordinary people couldn’t
afford them.

32 / 50

32- This is …….. area, with a lot of factories

33 / 50

33- She was so upset that she burst …….. tears!

34 / 50

34- Why are you always rude—me?

35 / 50

35- I can’t …….. your hair, because I haven’t
got any scissors.

36 / 50

36- Criminals are people who are guilty of
…….. the law.

37 / 50

37- Mark was angry—-his sister because she damaged his toy!

38 / 50

38- I went to a lovely …….. last Saturday.
The bride was my best friend when we
were at school.

39 / 50

39- The man—–by his best friend yesterday.

40 / 50

40- She——before she went out!

41 / 50

41- Jemma spent the whole day looking—her keys!

42 / 50

42- Can you come and pick me— from the airport?

43 / 50

43- You should take—–your shoes before you enter!

44 / 50

44- My wife is going to look—- my baby while I am gone!

45 / 50

45- Have a seat and fill— the form!

46 / 50

46- I don’t usually get—well with my parents!

47 / 50

47- I’m not really interested— politics!

48 / 50

48- A person who does not want to spend money is—-

49 / 50

49- We are arriving—-Doha Airport at 14:00!

50 / 50

50- “It leaves from Platform 2 at 4.15.”
The speaker is talking about …….. .